Den 8-10 augusti 2025 är det återigen dags att dra tillbaka tiden till förra sekelskiftet och uppleva Marstrand som havskurort. Baderskor, kungar, bilar, marknader, teaterföreställningar, stjärnbåtar, orkestrar och mycket mycket mer är på plats för att förvandla Marstrand till något magiskt som bara fanns förr i tiden.

Feel free to come dressed in 1900-century clothes. Choose a role you like, e.g. fisherman, a noble lady, sailor or gentleman in a top hat. Experience the special feeling of being dressed in period clothes at Marstrand during these days.
The Victorian days is a wonderful folk festival, where the visitors contribute to the atmosphere. More than 300 artists entertain. There are musicians, actors, dancers, singers, sailors, guides, a king with adjutant, a storyteller and a magician to name a few. Added to this are all the enthusiasts who come year after year, some in beautiful clothes and stately uniforms and some in national costumes.

The Victorian days is run by a non-profit organization called "Sekelskiftesdagarna i Marstrands ideella förening". If you want to become a member of our association and through your membership support and contribute to the turn-of-the-century-days becoming a long-term sustainable and in the future even better event, you can choose to become a member for 200 swedish crowns.
You can pay through Swish: 123 63 286 29
or bank transfer: 695-8813
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for updates and sweet memories, "Sekelskiftesdagarna på Marstrand"
See you on Marstrand Island, August 8-10, 2025!
View more from previous Victorian days
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