Bylaws for Sekelskiftesdagarna in Marstrands non profit organization
§ 1 The organizations name
Sekelskiftesdagarna in Marstrands non profit organization
§ 2 The organizations purpose
The organizations purpose is to realize the Victorian Days.
The organization shall fulfill its purpose by planning, organizing and realize the Victorian Days in Marstrand every year. The organization shall work by broadening opportunities for cultural events in theatre, music, dance and in addition contribute to cultural development. The organization must also work to ensure that its members participate by wearing appropriate clothing during the Victorian Days.
§ 3 The organization has their residence in Marstrand, Kungälv municipality
§ 4 Membership
A member of the association is someone who wishes to contribute to the association's objectives and commits to following the association's statutes.
§ 5 Membership Fees
Members shall pay the membership fee annually as determined by the annual general meeting.
§ 6 The Board
The board consists of a chairman, at least 5 other members, along with 2 substitutes. Within the board, a vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, and any other members the association deems necessary are appointed. In case of absence, a substitute member fills in. If a member resigns before the end of their term, a substitute member takes their place until the next annual general meeting.
§ 7 Responsibilities of the Board
The board represents the association, safeguards its interests, and manages its affairs. The board decides on behalf of the association unless otherwise specified in these statutes. The board shall implement decisions made by the annual general meeting, manage the financial affairs of the association and keep accounts, and present the annual report to the annual meeting for the latest financial year. The board convenes when the chairman deems it necessary or if at least three board members request it.
The board is quorate when at least 3 people are present. Board decisions are made by a simple majority. In case of a tie, the opinion supported by the chairman prevails; however, in the event of a tie in elections, the decision is made by drawing lots.
The association's signature is signed by the chairman or treasurer of the association within the amount determined by the board. For amounts larger than what the board decides, documented board resolution is required before the chairman or treasurer can sign on behalf of the association.
§ 8 Accounts
The financial year shall be the calendar year.
The board's annual report shall be submitted to the association's auditors no later than March 1st.
§ 9 Auditors
The board's administration shall be audited annually by an auditor appointed at the annual general meeting. The auditor shall submit their audit report no later than April 1st.
§ 10 Annual General Meeting
The regular annual general meeting, which is the highest decision-making body of the association, is held annually before the 30th of April at a time and place determined by the board. A written notice shall be sent to all members no later than 14 days before the regular annual general meeting and no later than 14 days before an extraordinary general meeting.
At the regular annual general meeting, the following items of business shall be addressed:
- Election of chairman and secretary for the meeting.
- Establishment of the voter list for the meeting.
- Election of minutes approver and vote counter.
- Question regarding the proper announcement of the meeting.
- Approval of the agenda.
- a) The board's activity report for the latest fiscal year.
b) The board's management report (balance sheet and income statement) for the latest operational/financial year. - The audit report for the operational/financial year.
- Question of discharge of liability for the board for the period under review.
- Approval of membership fees.
- Approval of any activity plan and consideration of the budget for the upcoming operational/financial year.
- Election of the president/chairperson of the association for a term of 2 years.
- Election of 3 board members and substitutes for a term of 1 year, and election of 2 board members for a term of 2 years.
- A nominating committee consisting of two persons is appointed for a period of one year.
- Election of auditor and deputy auditor.
- Consideration of the board's proposals and motions submitted three weeks prior to the annual general meeting.
- Any other business.
Decisions on matters of significant financial importance for the association or its members may not be made if they were not included in the meeting agenda.
§ 11 Extraordinary General Meeting
An extraordinary general meeting is held when the board or the auditor deems it necessary or when at least 1/10 of the association's members demand it through a written request to the board.
The request should specify the matter or matters that the members want the meeting to address.
At an extraordinary general meeting, only the matters specified in the notice may be addressed.
§ 12 Right to vote
At the annual general meeting, each member has one vote. The right to vote is personal.
§ 13 Decision-making, Voting, and Quorum
Decisions are made by acclamation or, if requested, by voting.
Voting is done openly, except in elections where a secret ballot shall take place if requested. Decisions are made, unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, by a simple majority. In the event of a tie vote, the opinion supported by the chairperson prevails; however, in elections, the decision is determined by drawing lots.
A member of the board may not participate in the decision regarding discharge from liability for an administrative action for which they are responsible, nor in the election of an auditor.
The meeting is quorate with the number of eligible voting members present at the meeting.
§ 14 Rules for amending the bylaws
For an amendment to these bylaws, a decision of the annual general meeting with at least 2/3 of the votes cast is required. Proposals for amending the bylaws may be made by both members and the board.
§ 15 Withdrawal
A member wishing to withdraw from the association must notify the board in writing and is thereby considered to have immediately left the association.
§ 16 Exclusion
A member may not be excluded from the association for any reason other than neglecting to pay agreed fees, undermining the activities or purposes of the association, or evidently harming the interests of the association.
Question about exclusion may not be decided until the member has been informed of the circumstances that led to the questioning of their membership. A decision on exclusion may not be made until the member has had the opportunity to express themselves within a certain time frame specified by the association's board, at least 30 days. The reasons for the exclusion shall be stated in the decision. The decision shall be communicated to the affected party within 5 days after the decision.
§ 17 Dissolution of the Association
For the dissolution of the association, a decision of the annual general meeting with at least 2/3 of the votes cast is required. If the association is dissolved, the association's assets shall be transferred to activities with a similar purpose / charitable purposes, etc.
- A copy of the minutes of the annual general meeting containing the decision on the dissolution of the association shall thereafter be sent to the tax office for the deregistration of the association.
These statutes were adopted at the inaugural annual general meeting of the association on February 22, 2015, as recorded in the minutes.
The adjustment of statutes was adopted at the annual general meeting of the association on February 7, 2016, as recorded in the minutes.