Victorian days 2021

This year's Victorian Days will, as usual, kick off on August 6th with a youth concert at 6:00 PM at Marstrand Church.

Then the festivities continue on Saturday, August 7th, with a market, the arrival of King Oscar II on the steamship Bohuslän, dancing, music, and even more delights!

On Sunday, you'll have the opportunity to listen to storyteller Mikael, be amazed by magician Joel, and follow Göran "In Oscar's Footsteps."
All this and more will be available in our program booklet, which you will receive upon arrival on the island during our event.

This year, we have placed a new focus on children, and in Paradisparken, there are games for both young and old!

We follow current corona restrictions and it is important that you as a visitor also take your own responsibility.

Hope to see you at the Victorian days on August 6th to 8th!

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